Sunday, December 9, 2012

Thanksgiving is a great time of year to sit back and reflect on all that is good in life and be thankful for friends, family, and the important lessons that have been taught to us. This year I had the privilege of teaching our kindergartners of the history of how Thanksgiving came to be, letting them experience a meal together with all of Webster's kindergartners, and working with them to help make part of the meal from scratch. It was an amazing experience for all!

November Students of the Month
 Dayle Doss and Blake Branstrom

Sunday, October 28, 2012

October Students of the Month

(pictures to come)

Sean Boyle and Emma Field
Student of the Day
Mason Shope

Baby Shark

At Friday's Spirit Assembly our class got up and taught the school the song "Baby Shark" that we have been working on. They did a great job!

October Spirit Assembly

Ventriloquist Assembly

This past Friday our Webster had a visit from a Ventriloquist/Artist! Students had a great time with a lot of laughs. The presentation ended with watching our presenter create a masterpiece right before our eyes. Very cool!

Happy Birthday, Madison!