Thursday, August 16, 2012

Welcome to Kindergarten!

After one week under out belts, our kindergartners are already making some good progress learning how to be a student. This is a big adjustment for most kids, and parents, but I am happy to say that all students did a nice job making it through the week. 

We have some special helpers in our room this year who have already been a huge help! Mrs. Becky Leisenring and Grandma Ottie will be helping out in our room and working with students throughout the year.

The past week we spent really focusing on routines, procedures, and behavior. I am so impressed with how well all of the students already have our morning routine down as well as many other routines. We will be continuing to practice all routines throughout the next few weeks. In addition to the practice at school, please take some time to discuss with your child what good behaviors they are learning about and how important it is to be a good listener.

As we slowly start bringing in the academics into our day, we will be working a lot with letters, colors, and numbers right now. It is always a good idea to practice recognizing letter names, colors, and numbers with your student at home as well to help them grasp these skills more quickly. And of course, READ READ READ with them! They are already loving books and that is a beautiful thing! 

Just a few reminders:
If you have not done so already, please make sure all of the following forms are filled out, signed, and sent back to school in your child’s folder

·      Student/Parent/Teacher Compact
·      Climbing Wall permission slip
·      Contact information slip
·      Handbook form
Along with the forms that need to be returned, please remember to send an old t-shirt in for your child to wear while they are painting and doing other messy activities.
We are also in desperate need of snacks. If you are not sending in individual snacks with your child each day, please send in a non-perishable snack item that can be put into the cabinet. Good choices are a box of animal crackers, graham crackers, cereal, fruit snacks, or a large bag of pretzels. This way students are able to have a little pick me up mid afternoon to keep them going for the rest of the day.

Thank you for your continued support!

~Ms. Lantagne