Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Day 17 - Kickball Day!

Our class joined in with Mrs. Jensen's kindergarteners again and enjoyed a fun filled game of kickball.

Taking a little rest between innings :)

Day 18 -- Read Outside Day!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sight Word Relay

Students worked in groups to find sight words that were called out and had to work together to get the word card into the cup. What a great time!

Day 19 - Sidewalk Chalk Day!

It might have been cold, but for our second balloon popping day of our countdown we spent some time outside with Mrs. Jensen's Kindergarteners playing with chalk. Students drew pictures, wrote words, made hopscotch boards, played tick-tac-toe, and so much more. Despite the cold, students enjoyed spending some time outside with friends.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


We are counting down to the end of the year in kindergarten. Each day we will pop a balloon and complete the fun activity that is hidden inside the balloon. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Tree Planting

With the help of students around the school, Mr. VanDamme has been very busy helping to beautify our school by planting a number of trees around the campus. Kindergarteners had the opportunity to help plant a pear tree in the front of our building. Hopefully by the time they are in 2nd and 3rd grade they will be able to enjoy some fruit from the trees we have planted :)

Webster Garbage Clean-Up

Kindergarteners went out all around our school to help clean things up a bit. It was a windy day but working together we picked up many bags of trash.